Friday, February 19, 2010

New Beat Tape In the Works!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whats up.

    My name is Ivan, I'm a record collector and soul/hiphop/jazz/funk fiend from Norway. I can't help but holler at you man, your beats sound fucking amazing. Couldn't find any other channel through which to reach you, so I'll do a long ass corny comment right here.

    For real, the sheer soulfulness of these pieces of music blew me away when I was first introduced to them via a couple nights ago. Just thought I should let you know you've reached someone on the other side of the planet, everybody I've introduced to your music loves it as well. Hope I don't offend you by saying that I also see a lot of growth in your stuff, seeing as I listened to it on your bandcamp page, and the newer the date was on a posted beat, the more I really felt it. In no way is that meant as condescending. I just think your curve is positive.

    Usually when you get myspace/blog messages or comments or whatever, senders are really just trying to get you to check out their music. That aint the case here. I really am in awe, your shit got some serious soul. Still, I gotta ask you to take a look at my group's myspace site. I rap in this group called The Afeeliated, and we're pretty much at the forefront of Norwegian hiphop. Yeah.. There actually is such a thing. Check us out at

    If you like our stuff, be sure to hit me up at I would love to do some work with you. My curve as a rapper is also getting its mountaineering on. I got a decent studio and all, and a transatlantic collaboration would be the shit.

    Either way man, keep serving us tunes like you do. Big ups from Norway, where the polar bears walk the streets and what not.

    One - Ivan
